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液压闭门器合页使用说明 Hydraulic Door Closer Hinge Instruction
一、产品简介与功能说明:Product Introduction And Function Description
1.This product integrates the functions of door closer,hinge,door suction and positioner. After high-strength test,ensure that the door is opening more than 300000 times.
2.This product is suitable for all kinds of wooden doors,plastic steel doors,aluminum door and so on.The function of each door segment is as follows:
①普通锁型 Common Lock Type
175°-90° 任意停门段角度 Free Stop Section
85°-30° 快速闭门段角度 Fast Closing Section
30°-10° 慢闭门段角度 Slow Closing Section
10°-0° 加力入锁段角度 Locking Section
②电子锁型 Electronic Lock Type
175°-90° 任意停门段角度 Free Stop Section
85°-30° 快速闭门段角度 Fast Closing Section
30°-10° 慢闭门段角度 Slow Closing Section
③普通锁型 Common Lock Type
175°-30° 快速闭门段角度 Fast Closing Section
30°-10° 慢闭门段角度 Slow Closing Section
10°-0° 加力入锁段角度 Locking Section
④电子锁型 Electronic Lock Type
175°-30° 快速闭门段角度 Fast Closing Section
30°-10° 慢闭门段角度 Slow Closing Section
3.The closing force and closing speed of the upper and lower ends can be adjusted freely.
4.It has hydraulic,three-speed buffering and shock absorption function to prevent door leaf damage,noise and unintentional pinch caused by high wind blowing door closing.
液压闭门器合页使用说明 Hydraulic Door Closer Hinge Instruction
一、产品简介与功能说明:Product Introduction And Function Description
1.This product integrates the functions of door closer,hinge,door suction and positioner. After high-strength test,ensure that the door is opening more than 300000 times.
2.This product is suitable for all kinds of wooden doors,plastic steel doors,aluminum door and so on.The function of each door segment is as follows:
①普通锁型 Common Lock Type
175°-90° 任意停门段角度 Free Stop Section
85°-30° 快速闭门段角度 Fast Closing Section
30°-10° 慢闭门段角度 Slow Closing Section
10°-0° 加力入锁段角度 Locking Section
②电子锁型 Electronic Lock Type
175°-90° 任意停门段角度 Free Stop Section
85°-30° 快速闭门段角度 Fast Closing Section
30°-10° 慢闭门段角度 Slow Closing Section
③普通锁型 Common Lock Type
175°-30° 快速闭门段角度 Fast Closing Section
30°-10° 慢闭门段角度 Slow Closing Section
10°-0° 加力入锁段角度 Locking Section
④电子锁型 Electronic Lock Type
175°-30° 快速闭门段角度 Fast Closing Section
30°-10° 慢闭门段角度 Slow Closing Section
3.The closing force and closing speed of the upper and lower ends can be adjusted freely.
4.It has hydraulic,three-speed buffering and shock absorption function to prevent door leaf damage,noise and unintentional pinch caused by high wind blowing door closing.