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     法国 STPI国内一级代理商上海秋腾贸易有限公司常年低价供应法国 STPI继电器,STPI密封继电器,STPI军用继电器,STPI电磁继电器、STPI磁保持继电器,STPI密封继电器。法国STPI致力于高性能密封继电器的研发和生产,主要包括:电磁继电器、磁保持继电器等。STPI继电器是最早进入中国各种高端领域的法国本土产继电器,是全球最高端继电器的行业标准。产品可靠性高,密封性好,多余物控制有效。所有产品都经过100%测试,以保证产品的高品质。宇航级继电器规格齐全(从1A到75A)。目前SPTI继电器以价格的绝对优势和最尖端的技术水平在国内航天,国防,铁路等领域已经占有了一定的市场份额。产品在国外Ariane、EuteLast、EYS、Spot、 Telecom、HisSpaSat、 CQCSTAR、 Sigma等项目上大量应用,同时广泛应用于国内航天项目,如神舟飞船、风云卫星、探月工程等。
STPI Group, a worldwide leading manufacturers of switching technologies for severe environments, provides a complete range of hermetically sealed relays, function relays and airborne systems for aeronautics, space, military/defence and railways, ranging between 1 Amp to 50 Amps Relays. STPI group also produces an extensive range of electronic and electromechanically equipments for aeronautics, rail and defence industries. The waste range of products includes Non latching relays, Latching relays.
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STPI relay, STPI sealed relay, STPI military relay, STPI electromagnetic relay, STPI magnetic hold relay, STPI sealed relay 
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