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A:view the installation and construction drawings of plate rubber bearings, mainly pay attention to the specifications, types, thickness, design capacity and other main technical parameters of plate rubber bearings. The size, installation position and direction of the embedded steel plate should also be noted in the PTFE rubber bearing;


B: when the plate type rubber bearing is used, the maximum bearing capacity of the bearing should be consistent with the reaction force of the bridge fulcrum, and the allowable deviation range should be + 10%;
c: 对于弯、坡、斜、宽桥梁,宜选用圆形板式橡胶支座。公路桥梁工程不宜使用带球冠或坡形的橡胶支座;
C: for circular, sloping, inclined and wide bridges, circular plate rubber bearings should be selected. The highway bridge engineering is the use of rubber bearings with spherical or slope shape;
d:当桥梁纵坡坡度不大于1%时,板式橡胶支座可直接设置于墩台上,但应考虑纵坡影响所需要的厚度。当纵坡坡度大于1%时,应采用预埋钢板(加楔形钢板)、混凝土垫块(带坡度的垫石)或其他措施将梁底调平,保证支座平置。板式橡胶支座应按JTG D62的有关规定验算并在验算满足规定要求后方可使用。

2) installation
A: Installation Preparation
a.1 板式橡胶支座安装处宜设置支承垫石,支承垫石平面尺寸大小应按局部承压计算确定,垫石长度、宽度应比支座相应的尺寸至少加50mm左右,其高度应为100mm以上,且应考虑便于支座的更换。
A.1 rubber bearing installation should set the bearing pad stone, bearing pad stone plane size should be according to the local pressure calculation, cushion stone length and width should be higher than the corresponding support size increase of at least about 50mm, its height should be more than 100mm, and should be considered for the replacement of bearings.
a.2 支座垫石内应布置钢筋网,钢筋直径为8mm时,间距宜为50mm×50mm,桥梁墩、台内应有竖向钢筋延伸至支座垫石内,支座垫石的混凝土强度等级不应低于C50。
A.2 bearing pad stone internal layout of steel mesh, bar diameter is 8mm, the suitable spacing is 50mm * 50mm, bridge pier and abutment should have vertical bars extending to the bearing pad stone, concrete strength bearing pad stone should not be less than C50.

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