FSP13 FSP13价格 供应FSP13

价格 2000.00
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FSP13 FSP13价格 供应FSP13的详细资料

The Measuring Receiver R&S FSMR is a one-box solution for calibrating RF-level and analog modulation parameters of signal generators as well as attenuation.

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Functionscombined in one instrument:

*High precision level calibrator

*Modulation Analyzer for AM/FM/PM

*Audio Analyzer with THD and SINAD

*Support for NRP power sensors for absolute powermeasurements

High-performance spectrum analyzerFunctions andproperties tailored to the needs of calibration labs:

*Very high level stability overtime

*Easy-to-use, with complete operation controlfrom the FSMR front panel

*Traceable calibration

*documented calibration procedure

*Specifications equal to or exceeding the HP 8902with option 050




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